DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 2/7: Axim Funded Contribution to add In-Context Metrics to Studio

Hello all! Axim Collaborative is pleased to announce a new funded contribution project to help advance the Open edX platform.

This project aims to equip instructors with learner and content performance metrics directly in Studio. We are seeking proposals from existing community members as well as qualified organizations looking for a first project to join the community. All proposals from providers interested in undertaking this work must be submitted by 2/7/2025 and Axim expects to choose a provider by 2/11/2025. Because we are aiming to release in-context metrics for Teak, we aim to have the development work ready for testing by 3/31/2025.

We expect that in-context metrics will be implemented by creating a new frontend plugin slot in Studio and a frontend plugin deployed with the Aspects analytics suite to display metrics near where content is being developed. The plugin will be optional, and the plugin slot should be reusable for other purposes even if Aspects is not installed (ex: a different analytics or other content-context tool could be created).

On instances with the Aspects plugin installed, where in-context metrics are enabled, it should be clear to users through the UI on the Studio Outline and Studio Unit Page what Sections, Subsections, Units, and Components in the course have in-context metrics available. They are to be hidden by default, but easily accessed, viewed, and collapsed by the user. Metrics and data visualizations should appear next to the section, subsection, unit, and/or component they convey data for, and the data that is shown will be tailored to the type of component the user is viewing data for. Metrics and visualizations will be embedded Superset visualizations built using the same framework that Aspects uses to embed Superset dashboards in the Instructor dashboard.

Wireframes will be made available to the delivery team that takes on this project as we’re currently wrapping up the design details for this feature. Custom Superset dashboards will need to be created, which will likely be completed by Axim Collaborative unless the vendor has experience creating Superset dashboards for Aspects.

The delivery team will be responsible for maintaining the work delivered including any bug fixes and security updates for six months from project completion. Please see the detailed product requirements here for the initial release of in-context metrics.


Hi @Chelsea_Rathbun, I hope you’re doing well! Edly is very keen to participate in this proposal. Since we’re also working on the Learner Grouping Proposal this week, we wanted to check if it would be possible to extend the submission deadline for this one until Friday, February 7, 2025.

Let us know, and we really appreciate your consideration!

@Mahwish_Naqvi - Yes, we realized this would be an aspirational deadline for most providers :grinning:. To give more time to providers preparing an RFP for this project, we’ve decided to extend the deadline to February 7th. I’ll update the original post shortly. We look forward to receiving your proposals next week!


Awesome! Thank you :grinning: