DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 2/7: Axim Funded Contribution to facilitate Learner Grouping

Hello all! Axim Collaborative is pleased to announce a new funded contribution project to help advance the Open edX platform.

This project aims to allow instructors to create their own learner groups for which they can filter any Aspects course-level dashboard. For this initial release, instructors on instances using Aspects will be able to filter course level dashboards by a learner group to view enrollment, engagement, and performance data for any group. In the future, we aim for this feature to be used for other purposes such as powering tailored communication and learner interventions.

The goal for this initial release is to allow instructors to create, name, view, and update learner groups for their courses. Instructors should be able to create groups of learners by uploading a CSV file or to define a group of learners by shared criteria.

We are seeking proposals from existing community members as well as qualified organizations looking for a first project to join the community. All proposals from providers interested in undertaking this work must be submitted by 2/7/2025 and Axim expects to choose a provider by 2/11/2025. Because we are aiming to release in-context metrics for Teak, we aim to have the development work ready for testing by 3/31/2025.

Wireframes will be made available to the delivery team that takes on this project as we’re currently defining the design details for this feature. Delivery team must demonstrate familiarity with existing user grouping features such as cohorts (if only to recognize that they exist). They should have experience with front end development and handling complicated queries and performance tuning in the LMS.

The delivery team will be responsible for maintaining the work delivered including any bug fixes and security updates for six months from project completion. Please see the detailed product requirements here for the initial release of learner groups.


Hi, @Chelsea_Rathbun! We are very interested in submitting a proposal for both the Learner Grouping and In-Context Metrics for Studio projects. However, given the tight timeline and the effort required to put together a comprehensive proposal, we would like to request an extension of the submission deadline for this RFP.

We noticed that the deadline for the In-Context Metrics for Studio project has already been extended to February 7, 2025, and we were wondering if a similar extension could be granted for the Learner Grouping project as well. This would allow us (and potentially other providers) to ensure a more thorough proposal, ultimately contributing to a stronger and more competitive selection process. Thank you for your consideration!

Hi @jalondonot - thank you for reaching out. We’ve have received a few submissions for this RFP; however, we are interested in seeing different approaches from community members. If your team needs some more time to turn yours in, you can have until 2/7/2025. Updated to note that I’ve formally extended the deadline for this RFP.


Thanks a lot, @Chelsea_Rathbun!