Deprecation/Removal: Legacy Frontend Implementations (DEPR-17, DEPR-42, DEPR-109)

Hey everyone,

We plan to deprecate and remove Django server-side rendering implementations of a few legacy frontend pages. This includes Account-related pages, the Basket page, and Courseware pages. We plan to replace these with their new React-based “micro-frontend” counterparts.

For more information, please read and post any questions/comments:

Here are the relevant dates for proposal acceptance and target removal:

  • World Teacher’s Day (2020-10-05): deadline for comments before acceptance
  • International Day of Education (2021-01-24): target removal date of old code



If you’re looking at this from the future: The timeline on these has evolved a bit; click into the individual DEPR tickets that Nimisha linked in order to see where we stand on planned removal for each legacy frontend.

There is also a discussion in the Build-Test-Release WG space.

Please also see the accepted legacy Course Home pages deprecation, which was split out from the legacy Courseware unit & sequence deprecation.