Devstack never installs requirements in Studio container?

Am I missing something obvious, or does the current Devstack never actually update requirements in the Studio container during provisioning? Looking at the following code in

# ...

apps=( lms studio )

# ...

# Bring edxapp containers online
for app in "${apps[@]}"; do
    docker-compose up -d $app

docker-compose exec -T lms bash -e -c 'source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env && cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform && NO_PYTHON_UNINSTALL=1 paver install_prereqs'

#Installing prereqs crashes the process
docker-compose restart lms

# ...

Note that paver install_prereqs is only ever run for the lms service, so I think requirements not present in the published edxops/edxapp image never get installed…

Ah, I see - they are eventually installed, just not as explicitly as for the LMS. In the same file:

# ...

# Create static assets for both LMS and Studio
for app in "${apps[@]}"; do
    docker-compose exec -T $app bash -e -c 'source /edx/app/edxapp/edxapp_env && cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform && paver update_assets --settings devstack_docker'

# ...

paver update_assets depends on pavelib.prereqs.install_python_prereqs and pavelib.prereqs.install_node_prereqs, so they’re run here for both the LMS (which will be a no-op here) and Studio.