Difference in Tutor Commands

Hi, in Tutor, what is the difference in these 3 commands. Looking for a quick reply. Thank you.

tutor local quickstart
tutor local start
tutor local reboot


Hi @rvgi2904.

Probably it’s too late, but tutor local quickstart just starts and configures fully functional Open edX platform. tutor local start and tutor local reboot are for starting and rebooting containers, respectively. You might want to check Tutor docs.


Thank you @0x29a. I simply wish the tutor docs had the list of sub commands that run with each tutor command.

I might sound a little defensive, but you know you can get more information with the --help/-h option, right?

$ tutor local quickstart --help
Usage: tutor local quickstart [OPTIONS]

  Configure and run Open edX from scratch

  -I, --non-interactive  Run non-interactively
  -p, --pullimages       Update docker images
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.
$ tutor local start --help                                                                                            
Usage: tutor local start [OPTIONS] service

  Run all or a selection of configured Open edX services

  -d, --detach  Start in daemon mode
  -h, --help    Show this message and exit.
$ tutor local reboot --help                                                                                       
Usage: tutor local reboot [OPTIONS] service

  This is more than just a restart: with reboot, the platform is fully
  stopped before being restarted again

  -d, --detach  Start in daemon mode
  -h, --help    Show this message and exit.

Appreciate your reply, Regis …