Tutor multi site

I’m looking for guidance on implementing Tutor multisite as listed here: Running multiple Open edX platforms on a single server — Tutor documentation

I understand the below configuration items must be different for each platform installed.

  • TUTOR_ROOT: so that configuration, environment, and data are not mixed up between platforms.
  • LOCAL_PROJECT_NAME: the various docker-compose projects cannot share the same name.
  • CADDY_HTTP_PORT: exposed ports cannot be shared by two different containers.
  • LMS_HOST, CMS_HOST: the different platforms must be accessible from different domain (or subdomain) names.

I wanted to know first how to create these platforms. Is it running tutor local launch more than once?


Yes, exactly. You must first define a new TUTOR_ROOT. Then set LOCAL_PROJECT_NAME, CADDY_HTTP_PORT, etc. with tutor config save and launch the platform with tutor local launch. This must done for every platform.

Thank you Regis!

On my local install (15.3.6) in a M2 MBA, I don’t see TUTOR_ROOT set. I’m asking this because once I set TUTOR_ROOT to a new folder, how do I switch back and manage the first platform?

On my MBA, tutor config printroot is ~/Library/Application Support/tutor.

Thank you!