One of the crucial features of on-line learning is the possibility of having different learning paths. So one would expect OpenEdX to facilitate that in an easy way. However, as an OpenEdX newbie, I have difficulty in finding the way how to do this. For example I have the following situation:
I show a video, and then ask several questions about the content of the video. Based on the results/scores on these questions I want to direct the participant in different directions (learning paths). So for students who score hight we want to direct them to the next module, for those who score mediocre, we want to redirect them to the start of the module again and ask them to repeat it. For those who score very low, we want them to first do some reading, so that they have more background knowledge, then repeat the original module again. Can someone help me in finding the right way to realise this in OpenEdX?
Have you/your team looked at installing/enabling the following xblock?
Edx doesn’t support this by default but there is usually a way of getting things the way you want through xblocks.
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@vrios would love to see some examples of that at work.
Altough i guess there needs to be a backbone still in terms of chapters that people follow . there cannot be different paths, skiping modules or adding new ones. reading instead of viewing a video. practice instead of write, etc.
Also very curious to see examples of practice based courses, something project or problem based, not chapter / syllabus based