Error on Notes: EdxNotesParseError

Hi :slight_smile:

I´m trying to enable the “Notes” section for my users.

  • I have edited the “Enable Student Notes” variable to TRUE in my course.

But i´m getting some errors:

  • When logged in the course i get the “Sorry we could not search the store for annotations”
  • When Trying to create a new note i´m getting the “Sorry we could not create this annotation”
  • When clicking in the “Notes” section i´m gettin an invalid json error: “EdxnotesParseError”

I´m sure i´m missing something here, does anybody know the reason behind these errors?

Thanks a lot!

OPEN EDX REALEASE: Ironwood.master

Ok, so i will respond myself for future users:

  • I had to edit the NOTES related variables URL´s in in order the system to access the api correctly: Change them from “localhost” to your IP.