Hey everyone.
I am using badgr-server to issue badges to users.
I have course completion badges, course events badges… the whole shebang.
I used Mercedes’s fix at https://openedx.slack.com/archives/C0NKZ5NQJ/p1534948205000100 to get things to work.
All of this sounds lovely until I saw that users get logged out after obtaining a badge whenever they access their profile.
This means users can’t:
-Change:heir bio, their profile picture… they get a permission error.
-Travel through their profile on their way to another secion after obtaining a badge as they get logged out
Somehow breaking the profile functionality altogether to achieve badges is not an OK situation according to my company /s
Mercedes is currently no longer working at the company that she developed that fix for and has moved on from edx.
Anyone has a clue on what might fix this situation?
We can’t do badgr-io as that requires a badgr-api-token that is no longer being provided by badgr.