How I work with many git repos at once

This came up in a BTR discussion at some point, so I wrote a blog post on my personal site about it: Working with many git repos.

For convenience, I’m pasting the details here also:

To make it easier to work with a collection of repos, I have a shell function to run the same command on the git directories found under the current directory. It gets a little more complicated than that: I might have 100 repos in the current directory, but only the ones that have certain master branches should be included in an operation.

My function is called “gittreeif”: it takes a branch name and a command, and walks the current directory tree looking for git repos that have that branch. For each one, it executes the command:

$ gittreeif origin/juniper.master git status

I also define “gittree”, which runs on every repo regardless of its branches.

Here is the definition of gittreeif. Put it in your shell startup file (.bashrc, .zshrc, whatever):

# Run a command for every repo found somewhere beneath the current directory.
#   $ gittree git fetch --all --prune
# To only run commands in repos with a particular branch, use gittreeif:
#   $ gittreeif branch_name git fetch --all --prune
# If the command has subcommands that need to run in each directory, quote the
# entire command:
#   $ gittreeif origin/foo 'git log --format="%s" origin/foo ^$(git merge-base origin/master origin/foo)'
# The directory name is printed before each command.  Use -q to suppress this,
# or -r to show the origin remote url instead of the directory name.
#   $ gittreeif origin/foo -q git status
gittreeif() {
    local test_branch="$1"
    local show_dir=true show_repo=false
    if [[ $1 == -r ]]; then
        # -r means, show the remote url instead of the directory.
        local show_dir=false show_repo=true
    if [[ $1 == -q ]]; then
        # -q means, don't echo the separator line with the directory.
        local show_dir=false show_repo=false
    find . -name .git -type d -prune | while read d; do
        local d=$(dirname "$d")
        git -C "$d" rev-parse --verify -q "$test_branch" >& /dev/null || continue
        if [[ $show_dir == true ]]; then
            echo "---- $d ----"
        if [[ $show_repo == true ]]; then
            echo "----" $(git -C "$d" config --get remote.origin.url) "----"
        if [[ $# == 1 && $1 == *' '* ]]; then
            (cd "$d" && eval "$1")
            (cd "$d" && "$@")

gittree() {
    # @ is in every repo, so this runs on all repos
    gittreeif @ "$@"

Let’s say I want to summarize the changes between two tags. Here’s a convenient alias to put in your ~/.gitconfig:

    relnotes = log --pretty='%h %ad %an: %s' --date=short --no-merges

The git command to show the changes between “old-commit” and “new-commit” is:

git log new-commit ^old-commit

Putting it all together: to see the changes between juniper.2 and juniper.3 in all the repos that have Juniper branches, using “relnotes” to get the summary style I like:

$ gittreeif \
    open-release/juniper.master \
    git relnotes open-release/juniper.3 ^open-release/juniper.2
---- ./ecommerce ----
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---- ./devstack ----
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---- ./xqueue ----
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---- ./edx-e2e-tests ----
---- ./edx-platform ----
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---- ./edx-analytics-pipeline ----
---- ./repo-tools/repo-tools ----
---- ./edx-notes-api ----
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---- ./cs_comments_service ----
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---- ./course-discovery ----
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---- ./credentials ----
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---- ./src/edx-analytics-configuration ----
---- ./src/edx-documentation ----
---- ./src/configuration ----
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---- ./src/enterprise-catalog ----
 f886da6 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade Django to 2.2.15
---- ./src/blockstore ----
---- ./src/edx-analytics-data-api ----
 64b4c7f 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade Django to 2.2.15
---- ./src/frontend-app-publisher ----
---- ./src/edx-app-android ----
---- ./src/notifier ----
---- ./src/edx-analytics-dashboard ----
 b8dfa559 2020-08-05 Ned Batchelder: Upgrade Django to 2.2.15
---- ./src/frontend-app-support-tools ----
---- ./src/edx-app-ios ----
---- ./src/edx-demo-course ----
---- ./src/ecommerce-worker ----
---- ./src/frontend-app-learning ----
---- ./src/edx-certificates ----
---- ./src/frontend-app-profile ----
---- ./src/license-manager ----
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---- ./src/testeng-ci ----
---- ./src/frontend-app-gradebook ----
---- ./src/edx-developer-docs ----
---- ./src/frontend-app-account ----

This is how I do it. There are probably other tools to do the same job. Maybe someone will point them out… :slight_smile:


Thanks Ned. This is Ben’s solution:

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