How students should upload a video in an Open Response Assessment in Open edX?

In ORA, we have a file upload option that allows learners to upload various file formats, but video files are not currently supported. We require students to upload their videos within the ORA assignments we have created. Please provide guidance on the exact solution for enabling video uploads. Thank you in advance! @regis @Andres.Aulasneo

In ORA settings, you can set File Upload Types to Custom File Types and add your file extensions in File Types.

Thanks For Your Reply!
I Changed Already but it’s showing like this.

Kindly Help me if you knows about this One.

could you upload a small file, like 1MB?
It could be the file size restriction, the default max size is 500MB for ORA.
Check your server logs with:
tutor local logs lms
tutor local logs lms-worker
I don’t remember which one is for ORA upload.

Yes, the error is caused by a file size restriction. How can we increase the file size limit? I Can able to Upload Small Video Files. @Anh_Vu_Nguy_n
Please Help me to sort out this. Thanks!

I’m not quite sure if this is the recommended way but you can try:
Set STUDENT_FILEUPLOAD_MAX_SIZE to your desired size. You can achieve it by using a tutor plugin.

Try to upload again to see if it works.

If it doesn’t then try to patch the Caddy config, it can be done using a tutor plugin as well, the patch key is caddy-lms

Could you Explain More About this? @Anh_Vu_Nguy_n

Which parts you can’t get?
Are you a developer or an end user?

I’m not a developer but In our Organization we are using Open Edx Olive Version and I’m learning about Open edx.
I Changed 410001000 to 10010241024 in Common. Py file (env-apps-Openedx-settings-lms) and I rebuilt and Restarted but same results only.
Could you please explain step by step it would be ideal. Thanks @Anh_Vu_Nguy_n

If you’re using Tutor then I suggest that you learn Tutor documentation, Tutor Configuration and customisation and Tutor plugin before you can proceed any further.
Everything has been fully documented, once you learn it you’ll know exactly what to do.

If you installed OpenEdx another way than Tutor then you have to dig through old documentation to customize the platform.