I have been to enable programs in Openedx for quite some time now. These are the following things that I have already achieved.
Installed discovery, ecommerce, and mfe plugins
successfully created a program frm discovery admin
still there is no way i can see my programs or not able to find how to enroll someone in a program.
Is there any step by step guide to configure a show program in openedx? I have seen multiple threads but not a single thread is there to showcase a simple one program which is visible to learners and they can enroll it.
It would be of great help if someone could guide me to a setup guide like this.
Hi @Vinay_Kumar!
To enable programs you do not need ecommerce. You just need discovery.
Follow the instructions of the tutor-discovery plugin to show the programs tab. Note that since Quince, the Programs tab is always present even if the feature is disables. Then create a program and add courses in the discovery’s Django admin. Enroll manually the students in a course that is part of a program and they will start seeing the progam.
Thanks @Andres.Aulasne, I will disable e-commerce again.
I followed that tutorial before asking in the forum. I am having trouble in enrolling students.
For eg. all the courses that I have added in program, I am already enrolled for these courses still getting the message that you have not enrolled to any course.