How to have single submit button on Test Units?

As I have seen till now creating an exam (problem) and adding each question makes this question come with its own submit button.

How can I make all the questions be submitted by only one submit button at the end of the problem page?

Thank you

You need use blank common problem and write each problem in the same block.

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Thank you very much! Test it and works!

@sbernesto hi, i had the same problem and fixed with your solution thanks!

I wanna put one submit button for the exam and get the questions in random order. Is it possible to get random questions while i put each problem in the same block?

@markman8 , @Hilal_Gungor , Just be aware that when you put multiple questions in one single problem, there will be only one set of configurations for the problem and the grade will be computed into one single component for all questions.
This has some effects that may not be ideal such as not being able to get the scores or responses information for each question independently in the grade reports or in the edX insights dashboards.

An alternative solution (although a bit hackish) is to keep the questions separated and place a piece of html / js at the end of your unit that will automate the individual submissions.

Hello, can you solve your problem? I wanna put one submit button for the exam and get the questions in random order. Is it possible to get random questions while i put each problem in the same block?

hi can you explain more aboute your alternative solution please tnx

hello @Arthur378

in short, my suggestion back then was to leave the normal randomized content block which would add multiple questions in random order, and at the end, add a “submit all my responses” button:

for the “submit all button” you can use this html code:

<a href="#"><input class="check-all" type="button" value=" Submit all my responses"
onclick="$('div.submit-attempt-container button').each(function(){$(this).click()});">

I hope it helps

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Thanks for your answer
How can I add the HTML code above?
and can I print every exam question on one page in open edx on mobile?