How to upgrade bitnami-edx-ironwood.2-0 to latest verstion

Hi Team,

My current version is
Please help on How to upgrade bitnami-edx-ironwood.2-0 to latest verstion


Hi @madhumohan! To get an idea of the steps involved in upgrading your Open edX instance from Ironwood to the latest release, have a look at the following resources:

  1. Upgrading from Ironwood to Juniper
  2. Upgrading from Juniper to Koa
  3. Upgrading from Koa to Lilac (which is the latest official release of the platform).

Since you’re using Bitnami, there might be some additional steps that you’ll need to complete; I’m not sure. But assuming that you can get a Bitnami installer for Juniper, Koa, and Lilac, it should be possible to follow the recommended approach of

… mak[ing] a fresh installation of the {Juniper, Koa, Lilac} release on a new machine, and mov[ing] your data and settings to it.

for each step of the upgrade process.

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Hi Jeyd,
Thanks for your quick reply

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