and in LMS logs that type of error shows - Password reset rate limit exceeded for email
and in LMS logs that type of error shows - Password reset rate limit exceeded for email
thanks in advance
and how to increase the limit of a password reset
Not really sure… probably those settings
need to increase?
but the issue is still occurs
Just to diagnose the issue, try bumping them way up – 20/m
each, see if it keeps happening. If it does, then the issue is elsewhere.
Other thoughts:
that controls how the IP address is determined for rate-limiting (and other) purposes. If misconfigured, it can result in inappropriate rate-limiting. But that shouldn’t matter for devstack.PASSWORD_RESET_IP_RATE = ‘20/m’
also restart the docker container memcached
IN LMS-logs
if anyone has
solutions so please help me
By looking at the ambiguous screenshot, it seems the error is related to the SMTP conection, hence when you restet password an email would be sent. Are you sure you have correct SMTP setting/setup
Agreed, check the host/port for your mailer settings. It’s not a rate-limiting issue.