Input needed: Proposal for Graded Discussions MVP

Hey Open edX community! :wave: Opencraft has submitted a proposal that will allow instructors to grade participation in discussions, and factor this grading into a learner’s score for a course.


Currently, course teams and students use the Open edX Discussion Micro Frontend (MFE) to share ideas, views, and ask questions. However, there is no process for course admins to assign grades to student discussion responses. It should be possible to grade participation in discussions and factor this grading into a learner’s score for a course.

Context & Background

Arizona State University would like a way to grade their discussions, but due to budget constraints they cannot fund the entire proposed MVP.

Scope & Approach

View the entire scope and approach in our proposal here.

Your Input

We’d love the community’s input! So feel free to add your comments here or directly to the proposal before the 30th of June 2024. And if you’d like to help fund the project - let me know!

:sunflower: Thank you!

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