Implementing Group Project Uploads and Expert Team Assessment in Open edX

TL;DR : I’m looking for a way to have student’s projects evaluated by a team of expert reviewers (each providing scores on predefined criteria), and then calculate a final grade based on the aggregated scores. Any existing solutions, plugins, or development recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Hello Open edX Community,

I am looking for a way to implement a mechanism for group project uploads and assessment directly within the Open edX platform, without requiring students or faculties to work outside of the existing LMS.

Specifically, my requirements are as follows:

1.Group Project Submission: A group of students (or an individual student) should be able to upload one or more files related to their project directly through the platform.
2. Expert Team Grading: The evaluation of the project should be performed by a designated group of experts or a review committee (rather than just one instructor or peer). Each member of the expert group should be able to input their individual scores based on predefined criteria (e.g., a grading rubric).
3. Final Project Grade: Once all reviewers from the expert group have submitted their scores, the platform should automatically calculate the final group/project grade. This aggregated grade should then contribute to the students’ overall course progress or serve as the final assessment of course completion.

I’d like to avoid any solutions that depend on external integrations or platforms. Ideally, this mechanism should utilize core Open edX features or extensions (e.g., XBlocks) to ensure everything stays in-platform and functions seamlessly with existing course components.

Does Open edX currently support such functionality natively? Or are there any plugins, XBlocks, or known methods for achieving this that I could implement in a standard Open edX deployment?

If this functionality does not exist, I’d love to hear recommendations, best practices, or any custom development ideas from the community to achieve this feature.

Thank you in advance for your help! Looking forward to your thoughts and suggestions.

I don’t know of this functionality existing anywhere.

I wonder if you could take the source of the staff graded assignment xblock and alter it so that it could aggregate scores from multiple staff members. I’m not sure how you’d do that but could be a decent starting point.