Invitation: Submit Proposals for a Core Contributor Summit

Hi Core Contributors :wave:

We’re excited to announce an upcoming Summit focused on Enhancing the Core Contributor Experience, and we’d love for you to be a part of it!

What’s the Summit About?
The summit is dedicated to gathering innovative ideas and actionable proposals aimed at improving the Open edX Core Contributor Program. Our goal is to make your involvement more efficient and impactful.

How Can You Contribute?
We’re seeking creative solutions in areas such as onboarding, collaboration, planning, and review processes. Your insights could make a significant difference!

Important Dates:

  • Proposal Submission Deadline: October 6, 2024
  • Proposal Presentation: October 21, 2024

:rocket: Ready to Participate? For full details, please visit this link.


Hi Core Contributors :slight_smile: the Enhancing the Core Contributor Experience proposal submission deadline is fast approaching! Submit by the October 6, 2024.

Some proposals are already in! Thank you to those who have submitted so far.

Hi there! :wave:

Just a reminder about the Summit to Enhance the Core Contributor Experience on Oct 21, 2024, from 13:00 to 15:00 UTC. All proposal presenters will have the chance to share their ideas! Please see the full details and agenda here.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Hey Core Contributors :slight_smile:

Thank you to everyone who joined us for The Summit to Enhance the Core Contributor Experience yesterday! If you missed it, you can watch the recording here: Watch the Summit Recording.

:ledger: WHAT’S NEXT?
We have a two-week period for community feedback from October 22 to November 5, 2024. I encourage everyone to share your questions, comments, and suggestions on each of the proposals. Your insights will help shape the future of our community.

Once the feedback period concludes, we’ll begin the voting process. I’ll share more details as we get closer.

Thanks again!

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@Cassie Done a pass! All the proposal look great to me imho, I haven’t seen too many controversial points? Most of the comments I have seen or made were on minor points? It would be a nice set of changes!


I agree @antoviaque! I think the changes will really streamline the way we work together.

Thanks for taking the time to leave your comments :slight_smile:

Thank you for leading this initiative @Cassie ! Lots of great, actionable ideas in these proposals.

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