iOS App does not show courses even the "Mobile Course Available" is set to TRUE already


Please help!

I have generated IOS OpenEDX APP (version 3.2.4), the IOS app can connect to Tutor OpenEDX (15.3.5), after login it displays “It looks like you are not enrolled in any courses yet”.

I have tried admin account and normal user account, both accounts have “It looks like you are not enrolled in any courses yet” returned.

The courses have been set " Mobile Course Available" = true

Please help! with thanks

Other than setting “Mobile ourselves Available” to true, is there any other port needed for the ios app to connect to tutor server?

Currently, only http and https are allowed from remote.

Please help!

Or, is there any url redirect is required to be set on tutor server?

Hi @am2021 ,

I’m not sure, but please check the below flag value and set it to True if it’s false


I fixed the issue by not specifying organization in IOS configuration as my organization is not “edx”. Thanks