I ran into a problem with moving to pages using hyperlinks in MFE Authn. If you enter the wrong password multiple times, a link to the password reset page will appear that says reset your password (link /reset). Indeed the transition is in progress <‘MFE Authn domain’>/reset. This is where the problem appears.
The community EdX uses two deployment paths: using a different subdomain for each MFE (for example https://authn.edx.org/) and using one domain for each MFE, but adding the first path element with the name of this MFE (for example https://app-mfe.company.com/authn/).
- In the first case, the transition is performed correctly, when you navigate from the https://authn.edx.org/login page to the https://authn.edx.org/reset page.
- In the second case, there is a transition from the https://app-mfe.company.com/authn/login page to the https://app-mfe.company.com/reset page. As a result, an error occurs, since the correct path is https://app-mfe.company.com/authn/reset. This is because
<Hyperlink destination="/reset" isInline>
works as an absolute path and the transition to the reset page relativity to the domain (due to the presence of “/” before “reset”).
I checked that the transition to the password reset page is correct in both cases as follows <Hyperlink destination=**"reset"** isInline>
. But this is the way out for one specific case. There are many such cases across the platform. Such a solution is not optimal, since it is impossible to find and change all such cases across the entire platform.
Maybe someone has a suggestion on how to solve this problem.