Juniper pre-rc kickoff meeting

Let me summarize here what was said in that meeting. I recorded the meeting but it seems there is an issue with Zoom, as the recording remains in the “pending…” state :sweat:

  • The release process is a three-step process: 1. Test 2. Fix 3. Document. Then rince and repeat.

  • The end-results of this release process will be:

    1. Tags in every Open edX repo to indicate the feature-frozen, stable release.
    2. A working native installation manual
    3. A low-level manual for upgrading existing Ironwood platforms.
  • Right now, we need to make sure that anyone, especially major Open edX providers, can try out the upcoming release candidate in order to spot issues, then fix and document them.

  • To that end, @nedbat recently created open-release/juniper.rc1 branches in all Open edX repos. For instance, here is the edx-platform branch. BEWARE: do not upgrade your production instances yet!!! That is, not if you know what you are doing. Release Candidate 1 is most likely broken. In particular…

  • … we know for a fact that rc1 has some blocking issues:

  • Open edX platform maintainers are encouraged to try out the rc1 tag and add their thoughts here:

  • If you detect new issues, please add them to the above-mentioned Epic:

  • In addition to those issues, @jill has created a wishlist of PRs to be merged prior to the official release: Juniper OSPR wishlist

  • Opencraft has setup a Juniper.rc1 sandbox for testing new Juniper features: TRY IT OUT!!!

  • The next build/test/release working greoup live meeting will happen in two weeks. Meanwhile, we will communicate mainly via Discourse and Slack. We will coordinate around the following Trello board:

  • The (admittedly ambitious) deadline to release Juniper is set to May 21st.


Thanks for reading! Let’s make Juniper a great release!