Multi tenancy support?

Hello everyone,

I want to find out if this platform can support multi instance. I want each client of mine to have their own instance of Open EDx is this possible? How can something like this be load balanced if each client has 5000 users and their own instance?

Hi @Ali_Zari, welcome to the forum!

It sure is. At Opencraft we do it for hundreds of Open edX instances via our purpose-built instance manager, Ocim. Take a peek! (The software is open source, of course, but you can see it in action by signing up for a trial of our hosting service.)

If you dive in you’ll see it deploys instances with edx/configuration, but that’s going away soon. We’re working on a new project that has similar goals but is based on the new community-supported deployment method, Tutor. It’s called Grove (of trees - get it?), and is for now just a proof of concept, but I would suggest you keep tabs on it. We’ll be working heavily on it over the next few months, hopefully getting it ready for general use by Maple.

Hello Adolfo,

Do you have any availability to show us a demo of your product? we have some technical questions regarding infrastructure and data segregation between clients in a multi-tenant setup. Please let me know.

Thanks, Ali

@Ali_Zari, we do such personalized demos in a sales context, so let me loop in our representative, @Fox_Piacenti. He’ll get in touch with you ASAP.