OEP-60: Open edX Security Working Group

Hey All,

Last year at the conference we had a great birds of a feather where we spoke about some of the issues we as a community were facing around the security processes of the Open edX platform. To help address these issues, @alangston @pshiu and myself have been working on defining a new way for security related processes to work in the Open edX community.

The details are now up for review and debate here: https://github.com/openedx/open-edx-proposals/pull/401

The comment period will run from now til the end of the year and we may extend it further if people express the desire for more. I’ll be acting as arbiter for this OEP.

Happy reviewing!

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The comment period has concluded and all feedback has been integrated into the OEP. With no major issues outstanding, this OEP is approved and has been merged!


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