We do. We have been using it for years.
We serve contents from our Open edX instance to a few Moodle instances on campus through LTI.
To be honest, it has been described as experimental in the documentation for years. I wish the old documentation from previous releases was still accessible so that I could point out the “warning” in the LTI Provider section.
I have been asking for years what is the state of LTI Provider for Open edX. Especially since there was only development for an LTI Consumer XBlock through GitHub - openedx/xblock-lti-consumer
You can look at my questions in a few places:
(there is a link to 12.6.1. Reusing Course Content with LTI — Building and Running an Open edX Course: Koa Release documentation who states that “This feature was a closed pilot experiment. This feature is not supported for new users”)
A question about LTI provider support in Open edX
And to answer your other questions, we only allow anonymous accounts.