Open edX Branding, Legacy Theming, and MFEs

Hello all, my team is trying to migrate from a native Nutmeg installation using all comprehensive theming to a Tutor-based Nutmeg installation (v14.2.3) while we begin our transition from comprehensive/legacy theming to MFE theming.

I’ve been able to get the branding working with tutor-mfe (v14.0.2) between applying logo patches with mfe-env-development and mfe-env-production templates and getting branding injected into the MFEs with mfe-dockerfile-post-npm-install, but now that we’re using the Learning MFE we don’t actually need the vast majority of our LMS theme anymore – the team has decided that we’d rather just use the default theme and style it in the interim between our Nutmeg deployment and the full MFE adoption for Olive.

Reading the documentation for openedx/brand-openedx its implying that we should be able to use Branding to theme the default/legacy views with basic style changes and by providing our own logos in the repository fork, but I can’t seem to get branding injected into the legacy views correctly.

I’ve tried installing it into LMS container with the following patches:
openedx-dockerfile-final, openedx-dockerfile, and openedx-dockerfile-pre-assets with no luck. I can see the Dockerfile RUN npm install <link> command running but by the time build has finished and I’m into the container I see no style overwrites like I’m seeing for my MFEs.

Am I misunderstanding that Branding is only for MFEs, and it doesn’t provide any support for legacy views like the documentation somewhat implies? Is the solution to this to create a quick-and-dirty LMS theme that is just some SASS partials to be built as part of the standard tutor settheme commands?


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