Open edx cannot login

I login open edx. but can not login after click sign in button


I view tracking file /data/lms/logs/all.log
use command
tail -n 300 -f all.log
show log

How to fix it.

Hi @choltha!
Looks like you have a wrong configuration in your connection to MongoDB. The server URL is empty.

Hi @Andres.Aulasneo
I want config location file and file name?
thank you

I don’t understand your question. Just check your MongoDB settings in the config file and make sure that the DB is up and running, and reachable from the Open edX services.

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I’ve found a problem and has been fixed.
MongoDB settings are correct. but my mogodb down

The mongod.lock file is a file that MongoDB creates to prevent multiple instances of MongoDB from running on the same database. This file is created when MongoDB starts and is deleted when MongoDB shuts down properly.
:help from chatGPT

now I fix if success.
My step

  1. Stop constrainer id tutor_local_mongodb_1
docker stop tutor_local_mongodb_1
  1. Remove file mogod.lock from host
cd "$(tutor config printroot)/data/mongodb"
sudo rm mongod.lock

***before delete I backup mongod.lock file or backup fonder data/mongodb ***
3. Start contrainer id mongodb

docker start tutor_local_mongodb_1
  1. Repair mongod database
docker exec -uroot -it tutor_local_mongodb_1 bash
mongod --repair
  1. exit constrainer id tutor_local_mongodb_1
  1. Restart open edx
tutor local restart

It work for me .
Thankyou so much.

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