Open edX software versions

I wrote a small script to extract all the versions here:

Extracted with $OPENEDX_RELEASE=open-release/juniper.3

Service Software Version
System mysql 5.6.32
System mongodb 3.6.17
System rabbitmq 3.6.9
System memcached 1.4.25
System elasticsearch 1.5.2
System node v12.19.0
System npm 6.14.8
System python 2.7.12
edx-platform python 3.5.2
edx-sandbox python 3.5.2
certs python 2.7.12
discovery python 3.5.2
ecommerce python 3.5.2
insight python 3.5.2
xqueue python 3.5.2
forum ruby 2.5.7p206
forum gem 2.7.8

Note: I don’t know if the node version difference was because I ran this in AWS instead of a local VM.