Parsons Problemes?

Hi there! New Open edX user and creating some technical, programming courses. I’m wondering if anyone has implement Parsons Problems in Open edX. These are problems that give a learned a series of blocks or elements and ask them to place them in the correct order. Here is an example of the kinds of problems I am hoping to implement:

I’ve seen the drag and drop problem type which is sort of close to what I need, but all I’m looking for is a way to indicate if the statements are in the correct order.

Welcome @mfherman !

Two potential options to investigate:

  1. might be able to do that. X-block here: GitHub - edly-io/h5pxblock: Xblock which provides ability to play H5P content in open edX
  2. If not, then it might be worth creating a custom javascript problem. That can serve as a template for any of your drag-and-drop problems if they all work the same.
    Docs: Custom JavaScript Display and Grading Problem — Latest documentation
    Working Examples in Open edX Demo Course: Course |

Give these a shot! If you are interested in outsourcing this, I can help. I’ve done a lot of custom javascript problems.

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Thanks for the quick response @john_curricume! I’ll poke around and see what I can get going. Will reach out to you if I get stuck :slight_smile: