[Potential Bug] Confluence Database does not display for some users

Description of issue

When certain authenticated users try to visit this Confluence Database, they are presented with the following blank screen…

… while other authenticated users can see the database as expected:

The database in question is called Notification Types. While I’m able to view the page without an issue, my colleague is not, even though we both have the same page permissions.

More details:

Unfortunately Confluence Support can only assist site admins. Is there a someone from Axim who could help with this?

Hi @ali_hugo! If you submit an Axim on-call ticket for this under “Systems Request - Miscellaneous” we can take a look. No promises that we’ll be able to fix it, though, Confluence being what it is. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@BrianMesick Thanks! I missed the “miscellaneous” option on the issue template page. I’ll create a ticket now. I appreciate the nudge in the right direction. :slight_smile:

:tickets: Link to Github support ticket