Pycharm Configuration – Multiple isolated devstacks

For now I’m leaning more toward VS Code to debug edx-platform LMS service on devstack_docker rather than PyCharm. Let me know if anyone is able to get PyCharm working but in case anyone else is interest please look at this post from Open Craft Tutorial: Attaching Visual Studio Code to Devstack LMS Container on how to debug with VS Code.

PyCharm Debugging Status
At the moment I’ve got stuck here working with PyCharm. I tried setting up a symlink from /opt/project/edx-platform/node_modules/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/node_modules but I got an error that there were

root@lms:/opt/project/edx-platform# cd node_modules
bash: cd: node_modules: Too many levels of symbolic links

Here is the Make target that I used to create the symbolic link manually.

# ./devstack/Makefile
docker-compose exec lms bash -c 'mkdir -p /opt/project/edx-platform && ln -nsf /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/node_modules /opt/project/edx-platform/'