The MOOC FLOSS team are storing their course content in Gitlab and importing it to Open edX. Due to the nature of the course being about contributing to open-source, the idea of contributing to the course itself using and “Edit this page” link/button (that we are all so used to seeing in the doc sites) was suggested.
To understand the workflow of how this process of git-to-course is done in the community, I recently asked for inputs from others on storing course content on git. From it we are able to see that storing content as Open Learning XML (OLX) and using plugins to import using Github Hooks exists. The missing piece seems to the UI element of having an edit link/button in the course content itself.
Trying to fill this gap, I have prepared a small discovery of how this could be implemented. We currently think using the openedx-hooks mechanism and hooking on to a “render-unit” event would be a good way to do it.
I am sharing the document here for the development community to provide some feedback on it. Any feedback to help this idea get closer to reality is really welcome.