"Resume Course" Button is Redirecting to Other Courses in Open Edx LMS

In this Dashboard template in Line no : 163 Dashboard.html

# Define a function to get the course start date
def get_course_start_date(enrollment):
# Add logic here to get the start date of the course associated with the enrollment
# For example, if ‘enrollment’ is a CourseEnrollment model, you can fetch the start date from the CourseOverview model.
return enrollment.course_overview.start
% for dashboard_index, enrollment in enumerate(sorted(course_entitlements + course_enrollments, key=get_course_start_date, reverse=True)):

We modified this for course sort order using start date added but if user clicks “Resume course” button it redirects to another course and it’s based on old course format. How we need to fix this and this belongs to Open edx Olive version. Kindly Guide Us to Sort out this. Thanks in Advance!!!