Schedule Bulk email

Hello everyone,

In Quince version, we are trying to enable Send a Scheduled Email Message to Course Participants. I’m unable to find that checkbox in the instructor interface but i’m seeing all the logic(backend) that sends scheduled emails.

Could someone please share the patch for this feature?

Thanks in advance.

I don’t know much detail on this, but I know a new MFE for bulk email came out in Palm. This may help? Open edX Palm Release - Developer & Operator Notes — Latest documentation

Hi Sarina,

This is the feature I’m looking for. I understand from that This feature requires a cron service which isn’t currently included in Tutor.

I tried to enable using celerybeat schedule. But this is not working. Could you please suggest an alternative way to run periodically(Can be every minute or every hour)?

CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE[‘schedule-emails’] = {
‘task’: ‘lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.api.process_scheduled_instructor_tasks’,
‘schedule’: 60,