Weekly Course Highlight Messages

About The Schedules app allows course teams to automatically email learners in self - paced courses. How to use The Weekly course Highlight function of Messages, whether to need to add some configuration to make this function correctly to run?

You will need to look at the following documentation first

It is not easy to implement as there are multiple switches to add to Django Admin and scripts to create in order to send the different emails at regular intervals.

In our case, we were able to set it up but nobody has been using it thus far…

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Hi @HertZPY,

@sambapete is right, the setup is really complex. We got it working for one of our clients, and documented the steps. You’ll need system access to modify your edxapp deployment’s configuration, as well as the Django Admin config. And there’s setup required for each course too.

OpenCraft: Weekly Course Highlight/Updates Messages

Best of luck!


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Modify Django as the sending mail backend of ACE