Setting up a subdomain for the studio cms in the juniper.2 release

Hi @Juan_M_Mendez.

I see that you used the Native deployment guide. That document might not the up-to-date for the latest releases.

The Open edX platform is deployed using Ansible playbooks located at edx/configuration. Specifically the openedx_native.yml ansible-playbook?

Running the scripts above ensure that everything you need to run Open edX is installed and that a proper nginx setup is configured to handle requests from the LMS/Studio and other services.

Take a look at the line highlighted below:

There’s a lot of variables that need to be set so that the deployment happens properly though.

There’s a discussion on this exact same issue in the Open edX Slack that has a solution: here.

The platform uses a unified login system through LMS, and for that to work you’ll need to add the Studio URLs to the LMS’s redirection whitelist.

That is done through a configuration variable that’s usually on /edx/etc/lms.yml (in the Juniper release):

    - <>
    - <>

Make sure the whitelist URL matches the next query param added to the URL when logging in from the LMS.

The domains must be cookie-compatible for the login to work. Check this post for more details:

Also, if you don’t wan’t to worry with the technical stuff behind hosting an Open edX instance, we (OpenCraft) can host or help you set up your instance.