SHOW_REGISTRATION_LINKS works on Dashboard, not on Account MFE

Dear all,

after our Quince update I tried to set SHOW_REGISTRATION_LINKS to True, as we only use SAML authentication and handle user registration another way. The flag hides the button on the dashboard, but as soon as you click Login and are redirected to the account MFE, you still have the option to register there.

Is this intended or was that missed when implementing the flag?


Hey @Wasabi

This setting has already been added to the AuthN MFE master branch via this PR. But it did not make the cut for Quince. This should be available in Redwood.

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Thanks, missed that. Looking forward to it! Not sure about the release cycles, does it need to be in Redwood or could it be a minor Quince release, too?

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Since release tags are mostly intended to include bug fixes and security patches, I am not sure if this would make it to a Qunice tag.

Also, on a side note, you can read more about Open edX releases here

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