Sites using badgr badging?

Hey Rowan,
Since your question hasn’t got any answers after 3 days I want to share you my experience.
About a couple weeks ago I tried to setup Badge awarding feature on my instance. I succeed to setup badgr-server & its front-end. However when I tried to configure my edx-platform to connect to it I faced some troubles.
In order to use badgr-server the LMS tried to check if a particular badge has been defined and got a 404 response which indicates that it wasn’t. Then it retried to create the badge and sent another request which was responded by HTTP header #400 which means “Bad request”.
By debugging this situation I figured that it would be happening because of that the feature is developed a log time ago so may be outdated and needs some reviews. Then I asked your question from some of my friends and all of them answered that they don’t use the feature. After all @dave pointed out that it could be a good candidate for being deprecated and removed from the source code. Obviously the written code could be used to create a badge awarding plugin for Open edX with its own repository and maintenance.
hope that it helps

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