Some services are missing or not running correctly

analytics_api RUNNING pid 68164, uptime 0:00:10
cms RUNNING pid 68168, uptime 0:00:10
discovery RUNNING pid 68184, uptime 0:00:10
ecommerce RUNNING pid 68171, uptime 0:00:10
ecomworker RUNNING pid 68160, uptime 0:00:10
edxapp_worker:cms_default_1 RUNNING pid 68180, uptime 0:00:10
edxapp_worker:cms_high_1 RUNNING pid 68178, uptime 0:00:10
edxapp_worker:cms_low_1 RUNNING pid 68175, uptime 0:00:10
edxapp_worker:lms_default_1 RUNNING pid 68179, uptime 0:00:10
edxapp_worker:lms_high_1 RUNNING pid 68182, uptime 0:00:10
edxapp_worker:lms_high_mem_1 RUNNING pid 68177, uptime 0:00:10
edxapp_worker:lms_low_1 RUNNING pid 68181, uptime 0:00:10
forum RUNNING pid 68161, uptime 0:00:10
insights RUNNING pid 68165, uptime 0:00:10
lms RUNNING pid 68162, uptime 0:00:10

How can I do that in this case? Please help me.

I services I see here are in running state. so what is missing or running incorrectly?
could you explain what is your question exactly?

cms RUNNING pid 1956, uptime 0:00:00
edxapp_worker:cms_default_1 RUNNING pid 1962, uptime 0:00:00
edxapp_worker:cms_high_1 RUNNING pid 1959, uptime 0:00:00
edxapp_worker:cms_low_1 RUNNING pid 1957, uptime 0:00:00
edxapp_worker:lms_default_1 RUNNING pid 1960, uptime 0:00:00
edxapp_worker:lms_high_1 RUNNING pid 1965, uptime 0:00:00
edxapp_worker:lms_high_mem_1 RUNNING pid 1958, uptime 0:00:00
edxapp_worker:lms_low_1 RUNNING pid 1963, uptime 0:00:00
lms RUNNING pid 1955, uptime 0:00:00

The problem in my case is that only lms,cms and edxapp_worker seem to be running. Any idea how to get the rest of the services up and running?

please create another topic with details about how you’ve setup your instance and any problem you faced during the installation.

i have the same problem after a native installation some services are missing only lms,cms and edxapp_worker are existing . one of the missing services is ecommerce . how i can install it if you have resolve this problem