Xqueue has stopped working after enabling e-commerce (which still doesn't work)

When I call this now after enabling ecommerce:

sudo /edx/bin/supervisorctl status
analytics_api RUNNING pid 31991, uptime 0:00:28
cms RUNNING pid 31996, uptime 0:00:28
discovery RUNNING pid 32016, uptime 0:00:28
ecommerce RUNNING pid 31997, uptime 0:00:28
ecomworker RUNNING pid 31987, uptime 0:00:28
edxapp_worker:cms_default_1 RUNNING pid 32000, uptime 0:00:28
edxapp_worker:cms_high_1 RUNNING pid 32007, uptime 0:00:28
edxapp_worker:lms_default_1 RUNNING pid 32014, uptime 0:00:28
edxapp_worker:lms_high_1 RUNNING pid 32013, uptime 0:00:28
edxapp_worker:lms_high_mem_1 RUNNING pid 32008, uptime 0:00:28
forum RUNNING pid 31988, uptime 0:00:28
insights RUNNING pid 31995, uptime 0:00:28
lms RUNNING pid 31990, uptime 0:00:28
notifier-celery-workers RUNNING pid 31989, uptime 0:00:28
notifier-scheduler RUNNING pid 31992, uptime 0:00:28
xqueue FATAL can’t find command ‘/edx/app/xqueue/venvs/xqueue/bin/gunicorn’
xqueue_consumer FATAL can’t find command ‘/edx/app/xqueue/venvs/xqueue/bin/django-admin.py’

As you can imagine, this is not helpful.

I followed the instructions here:

But whenever you try to add this command:

python manage.py create_or_update_site --site-id=1 --site-domain=removedForSecurity --partner-code= removedForSecurity --partner-name=‘removedForSecurity’ --lms-url-root=https://removedForSecurity --payment-processors=stripe --client-id= removedForSecurity --client-secret= removedForSecurity --from-email=removedForSecurity --discovery_api_url=http://removedForSecurity:18381/

It gets an error about duplicate default site id 1, so basically that’s a site I should never have visited. Can’t believe the amount of hoops you have to go through to get a basic site up and running.

A little help would be highly appreciated, thanks.


Ubuntu 16.04
Native installation