State of Open edX

Hi all,

Each year at the Open edX conference, we have a talk dedicated to the state of the Open edX project and platform. Typically that talk reflects on our accomplishments over the last year, discuss some challenges that we face together, and proposes some areas of shared focus for the future.

What would you like to hear about this year?


Hello there! I’d like to hear about the event bus and its current impact :thinking:


I’d like a better understanding of the status of xAPI event support in the platform.


I think people would be interested to hear more about how 2U fits into the Open edX world, how the separation processes are going, and what the future holds.


I think people would be interested to hear more about how 2U fits into the Open edX world

Yes, that’s what I was going to ask for :slight_smile:

I’d also love to hear about how the core contributor program has added value to Open edX.


I’d like to know what has happened with the TOC and what will be the key areas of technological investment during the next year.


+1, and it would be nice to also include an update about the maintainers program, which is closely related. Happy to help putting some numbers together about the core contributor program, if that helps.

There has also been a lot of progress on the product side, both in terms of definition and decision-making processes. It would be a good occasion to tell everyone present how people/institutions can now participate in the product development of Open edX, and make Open edX better for themselves at the same time.

There have been a few new working groups being created too lately, it could be worth mentioning/advertising them.

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