Open edX Contributors Meetup

For a few weeks now, a few of the project contributors have started setting up an online meetup, meant for community members interested in contributing to the platform, getting information, offering help or coordinating efforts with others. We would like to convince more people involved in Open edX to invest in it.

The next online meetup is next Thursday, Feb 27th, at 3pm UTC (time converter)

If you want to get an idea of what we discuss, you can have a look at the previous iteration:

Agenda & notes: Open edX Community Wiki

To join, just ask any of the participants to add you - you can send me an email at for this.


For the upcoming meeting, I have started a draft agenda:

Does anyone has anything they would like to include in the agenda?

@abstract-technology Will you want to include a point in the meeting about the marketing workgroup? To update about its status, and if you need specific contributions, plus time for questions?

@regis Same question about the release workgroup?

@nimisha Would you want to include a point about the collaborations with edX? We had to cut it short a bit last week.

@natea Would you like to include a point in the agenda?

On my side I’ve put one about commitments - it would be useful to record what we each commit to do, and for when? That would allow us to have more precise goals for each contributor.

Thank you @antoviaque. Yes, I’d be happy to give an update on the proposed architectural investments and share what edX is committed to doing in the next few months. Per your point, I’d love to see where others can commit to helping on this front.


hi Xavier,

sure, I will recap and write some notes, I will probably be able to summarize it next week. sorry for my inactivity since the last meeting due to the work.

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@nimisha @abstract-technology Thanks! I have updated the agenda in accordingly.

I’m also adding a point to the agenda from the thread Suggestion to deprecate the little used `sysadmin` management dashboard - #9 by nedbat about APIs & plugins:

APIs & plugins - How can we figure out what Python APIs would be needed to make a given component fully extractable as a plugin?

Hi gang,

I have finally found some time to work on an Open edX reference manual. I propose we organise around an edx-platform PR:

People who attended the first BTR working group meetup were added to the openedx-btr-wg organization on Github, so they are now able to contribute to this PR. If anyone would like to join the effort, I will be more than happy to add them to the organization as well. Just PM here or on slack with your Github nick.

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I’ve started drafting such a “commitments” page - can everyone attending the meetings check if what I’ve put on this page for everyone matches the actual commitments you have made? Don’t hesitate to update the wiki page directly, this is just meant to serve as a basis to review.

@regis Glad to see the PR for the documentation, and the review already ongoing for this. Thanks for taking this on!

See you all later today!

Thank you for the meeting on Thursday! I have just updated the wiki page for the Feb 27th meeting:

I have included the meeting recording and chat notes:

And I have also created the wiki page for the next meeting, on March 12th:

Everyone - see if you would like to make any additions or changes to the draft agenda?

I have updated the commitments page based on the discussions from the last meetup, and on commitments that have been met since then - for example @abstract-technology 's organization of the marketing meeting. Have a look to see if it accurately portrays your own commitments, and whether you see things to add/change do it there:

Diff of the changes here

With the start of daylight savings time here in the US, the usual time for the Contributors Meetup now conflicts with a long-standing edX meeting that at least Nimisha must attend. Other edXers who had not yet been to the Contributors Meetup (like Ed Zarecor) were hoping to start, but are also caught in the scheduling conflict.

Xavier has added an agenda item to discuss shifting the Contributors Meetup an hour earlier to ease the conflict.

Thank you to those who attended the meeting today! :slight_smile:

I have created the page for the next meeting, on Thursday, March 26th:

Note that it will be at 2pm UTC, ie 1h earlier in that timezone than the previous meetings, to allow @nimisha, @e0d (and maybe @marcotuts?) to attend. We discussed this in the meeting, and there was no objection, but if someone who couldn’t attend today has an issue with that meeting time, let me know. I’ll also update the meeting invite shortly.

Also don’t hesitate to edit the wiki page if you would like to add items to the agenda, or expand the recurring items I’ve already included from @nimisha @regis @abstract-technology @nimisha and me.

I have also updated the meeting page from today, to include the video recording:

And, last but not least, I have also updated the commitments doc - please check that I captured correctly your points! :slight_smile:

Who wants to join the marketing group, Please find here the link to the meeting room:

Open edX Marketing Group

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Meeting every two weeks at 1.30pm UTC (2.30pm Berlin German time). Next meeting: 26.03.2020

Thank you to the contributors who have joined yesterday’s meetings! :slight_smile: I have uploaded the video recording of the Contributors meetup there:

To read the agenda or the chat log of the meeting, head over yesterday’s meetup wiki page.

To add items to the next meetup’s agenda, simply edit the next meetup’s wiki page.

Note that the meeting will remain at 2pm UTC, but Europe is switching to daylight saving on Sunday, so the meeting will be one hour later than this week there. Check the timezone converter if you are not sure of the time, or your calendar invite for the members of the group.

As discussed in the last meeting, I have moved the tasks listed on the commitments page to the new Trello board started by the marketing group. This should make it easier to manage the work discussed during the contributors meetup, and make progress on these points asynchronously between each meeting.

Note that I couldn’t assign a number of tasks yet there, it requires the assignees to have joined the Trello board first. I’ve pinged you accordingly on the commitments page if you are in that case.

I’ve also looked into the ability to filter specific types of tasks there - it is possible, using the tags. For example, to show only the tasks related to “Development & Architecture”, you can use a filter on that tag. @nimisha does that address your point?

Don’t hesitate if you see anything missing or wrong, or if you would like to handle some of this differently.

Here is the video recording of yesterday’s meeting:

I have also added it to yesterday’s meeting wiki page, and added the new tasks discussed during the meeting to the Trello board - note that I’m doing this to make sure to not forget things, but if anything is incorrect or missing, feel free to go and edit the tasks there :slight_smile:

And I have created the wiki page for the next meeting, on Thursday, April 23rd, 14:00 UTC (time converter) - don’t hesitate to add points to the agenda.

The video for yesterday’s meeting is there:

I have also moved the wiki page to a Trello card for yesterday’s meeting - similarly to what @abstract-technology has been doing for the Marketing group meeting. I have also done a few updates to the Trello board.

The next contributor meetup will be held on Thursday, May 7th 2020, 14:00 UTC (time converter). See you there! :slight_smile:

Here is the video recording of yesterday’s meetup:

As mentioned in the previous message, the meetup page including the agenda and the chat logs from the meetup have been moved to the Trello board. Here is the card of yesterday’s meetup:

And here is the one for the next contributor meetup, on Thursday, May 21st at 14:00 UTC (time converter).

I have also created a filter to be able to show agendas quickly, and upon @nedbat’s request, I have added it to the event invite:

See you in two weeks :slight_smile:

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As usual, I’m posting the video of yesterday’s contributors meetup:

More details can be found in the Meetup Trello card for yesterday.

Next meetup: June 4th at 14:00 UTC (timezone converter). See you there! :slight_smile:

It was a pretty packed contributors meetup yesterday! Thank you for everyone who participated, and is contributing to the initiatives. Here was the agenda:

And the meeting recording is available at:

More details can be found in the Meetup Trello card for yesterday.

Next meetup: June 18th at 14:00 UTC (timezone converter). See you there! :slight_smile:

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With a few days of delay as I was off last Thursday, here is the recording of last week’s contributors meeting - thank you @nimisha for running it in my absence! :slight_smile:

The agenda was:

  • Intro
    • Meet & greet newcomers if any
    • Recap of agenda items - any to add? comments?
  • Marketing workgroup follow-up (Stefania)
  • Release working group & documentation update (Regis)
  • Core Committers program update (Nimisha, 3mns)
  • Blended Development program (Marco)
  • Retrospective & sprint planning (Trello board)
  • Deferred
    • Community-managed Onboarding Course(s) (Nimisha, 10mns)
    • Architecture update (Nimisha)
      • APIs & plugins (Xavier, Peter)

More details on the June 18th Meetup Trello card.

Next meetup: July 2nd at 14:00 UTC (timezone converter)