Strong-customer-authentication on stripe

I want to apply strong-customer-authentication on stripe…I received an email from Stripe recommending that using one of their SCA-ready integration paths to avoid more declined European payments…please help me if anyone did before.

Based on my understanding, the current Stripe Open edX integration utilizes Stripe v2, according to this comment. It utilizes stripe.Charge to make the necessary payments.

Looking at Stripe’s docs, updating the integration for SCA would require utilizing Stripe Checkout or the new Stripes Payment Intents API.

Accordingly, I don’t believe the ecommerce Stripe integration supports strong-customer-authentication for Stripe, at this time.

Fortunately, the Open edX platform supports custom payment processors thanks to the following configuration format:


According to the Payment Processors documentation

It would be a good idea to reach out on Slack to check if anyone has created an SCA supported Stripe payment gateway.

If you have the opportunity of finding or developing one, please be sure to share it on the forum for anyone else who faces a similar issue. :smiley:

with this can we enable strong customer authentication?

Yeah, the means are there but the support isn’t.

So, either a community payment gateway which supports SCA for stripe needs to be used, or the existing stripe integration needs to be updated to support SCA for stripe.

I personally did a small search on GitHub, and I came up empty-handed. So, my assumptions are that the current integration would need to be updated. :slightly_frowning_face: