Survey: Improving the Core Contributor Experience

What’s this? :thinking:

In February 2024, we sent out a survey to all of our Core Contributors to get their feedback on our processes and the Core Contributor experience as a whole. This topic is for keeping the Community up-to-date on the responses.

Background :open_book:

In 2023, we conducted interviews with a handful of Core Contributors and asked them for some feedback about the program. We documented the key takeaways, and used them to inform the design of a survey which we have since sent to all of our Core Contributors.

Goals :soccer:

  • Get every single Core Contributor to answer the survey
  • Keep the Community updated on our progress
  • Release the results of the survey (anonymously)
  • Develop a game plan to improve the Core Contributor experience

Participate :brain:

If you’re a Core Contributor, but haven’t received the survey, please let me know. We’ll send you a link as soon as possible.


It has been 2 weeks since the survey was sent out. So far, we have received 13 out of 66 responses. That means about 20% of Core Contributors have completed the survey.

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Let’s see if we can turn all of those grey blocks green! CC: @antoviaque


It has been just over a month since the survey was sent out. We have only received 20 out of 66 responses (about 30%).

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I have sent a reminder to the CC’s who haven’t yet had the chance to complete the survey. Hopefully we’ll have more responses by my next update. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


2 months have passed since the CC survey was first sent out, and it’s been about a month since the first set of reminders were emailed to CC’s.

The response rate is still low. We have only received 30 out of 66 responses (about 45%).

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I suspect the following reasons may partly explain the low response rate:

  • The survey is long, and takes a considerable time investment (CC’s are busy)
  • Some CC’s have expressed that they feel their feedback is not valuable (which, for the record, is not true, because even if a CC skips a question or answers “NA”, we can draw valuable conclusions)
  • The purpose of the survey is not clear to CC’s

@antoviaque @sarina Do you think it’s worth sending another reminder via email (at the risk of irritating CC’s)? At what point do we give up and work with the responses we have already? The last thing I want is for this survey to become a thorn in the side for CC’s.

Hi @ali_hugo ,

My recommendation would be to reach out to leader(s) at the organization(s) with the lowest response rate. I’d also have some data on their overall team’s participation in the sprint checkins. If a particular group is simply completely unengaged from this process, you might find it valuable to simply schedule a 15 minute chat with the leader(s) to get their thoughts - think of it as a lightly guided listening, rather than going in with a million questions to pepper them with, maybe some open ended questions about the program, the checkins, and their value.

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@sarina Thanks for your suggestions! I like the idea of contacting leaders from the the relevant organisations. I’ll try that out as the next step.

Survey Deadline :alarm_clock:

We’ve decided to set a deadline for survey responses, so please try to complete yours by May 31. It would be a BIG HELP! You can find your personal survey link in your inbox (subject line: “What do you REALLY think about the Core Contributor experience?”)

Thank you!


Survey Closed :door:

Thanks to everybody who answered the survey. I know it was a long one, so I really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

@Cassie has kindly offered to take all the feedback and collate it into an easy-to-digest format so that we can all go through it. She will share this document with the Community when it is ready. Thanks Cassie! :bouquet:

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