Tech talk/demo: Deploying multiple Open edX instances onto a Kubernetes Cluster with Tutor

Thank you @kmccormick!

To summarise:

  • OpenCraft has Grove [under heavy development]
  • Lawrence has Cookiecutter
  • EduNext has Shipyard which isn’t open source.

We all approach deploying Open edX similarly (please let me know if I’m mistaken):

  1. Terraform provisions the infra
  2. Kubernetes runs the app which is deployed with
  3. Tutor

Our approaches to each of these are different [especially with respect to build pipelines], but there seems to be a lot of commonality especially with Terraform so it makes sense to try and collaborate to share the maintenance burden.

What would be the best next steps here? @lpm0073 do you think it might be worthwhile to somehow integrate Grove’s terraform code into your project? There are some differences (especially with MongoDB we’re using Atlas instead), but it seems like a good way to start.

cc: @gabor @braden