Helm Charts Collaboration for large instances


I’d like to share with you all this thing we have been working on with some amazing people from this community.

In the early days of Open edX, one of the first things that you would encounter when you got involved was the configuration repository. Nowadays life is much simpler, thanks to tutor you can get started with the world famous 15 min install. You can even get all the way to a production-grade installation from there.

Sometimes however you get into more complicated use cases that are not covered by tutor or even by openedx. You start to put more and more things into your Kubernetes cluster and it can get very complex. You wish that you could share some of the things that are happening to you with others and maybe get a different set of eyes looking at your specific situation.

Well, I’d like to draw your attention to a new project we are trying to get rolling. Somewhere to share the experience we at the community are collectively building about hosting Open edX at a medium to large scale.

The project itself is two things at the moment:

  • a proof of concept repository made by @braden that contains helm charts and tooling to make that interoperable with tutor. We are starting with the focus on the foundations to run many independent installs of tutor in one single cluster.
  • and a decision record that lays some groundwork for the vision and how different members of the community can collaborate on the charts and tools.

We are starting a formal period of review today and will run until Monday 9th of January 2023. This is a little longer than the usual two weeks but you know holidays! Now that everyone here starts to wind down for the end of the year it would be a great time to chime in, give a review, write some comments or leave a thumbs up.

If you are already sold on this concept and want to catch up on the discussion, I’ll leave all the links nice and tidy here:

Finally, I’ll tag everyone that I can remember has participated in this so that you are the first people to get both my appreciation and the invitation to review:
@braden @regis @keithgg @MoisesGonzalezS @gabor @jhony_avella @lpm0073 @antoviaque @sambapete @kmccormick


@mtyaka @Andres.Aulasneo I also meant to tag you. Apparently I can only mention 10 people.


I missed the meeting yesterday… I must have forgotten to ask @antoviaque to add me to the invitation. I will look at the recording in the coming days and will definitely look at it. Thanks for tagging me @Felipe

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@sambapete I should have thought of adding you! Done :slight_smile:

@Felipe Thanks for the great recap and announcement - it’s a really exciting initiative from the community, one of the first real group collaboration from the ground up. I’m really eager to see where that brings us!


I missed the call too… because I didn’t set an alarm :frowning: . See you in the next meeting.

FYI, the repository with the proof of concept has been moved to the Open edX organization! :tada:

Thanks to @cmuniz @sarina for the legwork and the guidance on this. :+1: