"Tutor dev start" not starting

Hi everyone.
I have a problem with tutor. Whenever i try to start tutor in dev mode, i get an error saying "ERROR: Service ‘watchthemes’ failed to build : Build failed

Error: Command failed with status 1: docker-compose -f C:\Users\"my-user"\AppData\Local\tutor\tutor\env\local\docker-compose.yml -f C:\Users\"my-user"\AppData\Local\tutor\tutor\env\dev\docker-compose.yml -f C:\Users\"my-user"\AppData\Local\tutor\tutor\env\dev\docker-compose.tmp.yml --project-name tutor_dev up --remove-orphans --build"

I never touched anything that have something to do with watchthemes.
Anyone else had this problem?

Inside the logs of powershell i found this other two errors:

 "=> ERROR [development 2/4] RUN pip install -r requirements/edx/development.txt"
"ERROR: Exception:
#64 76.66 Traceback (most recent call last):
#64 76.66   File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.py", line 438, in _error_catcher"

Thank you.