Tutor K8S with cluster don't have dynamic provisioning with storage-classes function (volumes.yml)

Hello everyone,

I am doing PoC of deploying Quince to Azure and Aliyun (Alibaba Cloud). In Aliyun the installation is not success, pods need PersistentVolumeClaim support is not working. I found that tutor k8s volumes.yml only define PersistentVolumeClaim, but Aliyun may need to define PersistentVolumeClaim, PersistentVolume. I tried the method of override.yml but no success so far. By the time of writing, I am communicating with their engineer for IT Support. I would like to know if someone have experience to deploy tutor k8s in Aliyun ACK. I realize someone done it when tutor version 3 https://github.com/WeJie/tutor/blob/master/tutor/templates/aliyun/volumes.yml

Thank you for your response