Tutor Plugin MFE: New discussion experience - URL /course/None

Trying to get the new discussion experience to work, but having some trouble with the Pages & Resources mfe. I have follow instructions here: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/COMM/pages/2947580704/How+to+enable+the+new+discussion+experience.

The new menu-item is showing, but the URL goes to this: /course/None and that can not be right. Does anyone have an idea about what I might have missed. PS: I don’t have server control – just /admin-access. Server-admin says: Seems as if the page on GitHub is not found. Has the plugin been removed?

Hi @Marksten!

What version of Open edX are you running? In Olive with Tutor, this functionality is enabled by default.

Nutmeg on Tutor

To enable this in Tutor/Nutmeg, you’d have to jump through additional hoops than those described in that wiki page, including writing a Tutor plugin for it. Not rocket science, but I wouldn’t recommended it unless you know what you’re doing and/or cannot upgrade to Olive.

If you really just want to see how the new Discussions behaves, I recommend installing Tutor/Olive temporarily on a separate machine and giving it a whirl. It would be the easier method by far!

Tank you soo much for answering! Asking can definitely save hours and days of trouble :slight_smile: I will forward your answer to my contact hosting our OeX. Again, thank you! Hopefully we upgrade to Olive.