$ tutor --version
tutor, version 14.0.2
Output after running tutor local quickstart -I
this morning.
$ tutor local quickstart -I
Interactive platform configuration
Configuration saved to /klib/data/nla-openedx/config.yml
Environment generated in /klib/data/nla-openedx/env
Stopping any existing platform
docker-compose -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.prod.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.tmp.yml --project-name tutor_local stop
Stopping tutor_local_cms-worker_1 ... done
Stopping tutor_local_lms-worker_1 ... done
Stopping tutor_local_cms_1 ... done
Stopping tutor_local_lms_1 ... done
Stopping tutor_local_mongodb_1 ... done
Stopping tutor_local_redis_1 ... done
Stopping tutor_local_elasticsearch_1 ... done
Stopping tutor_local_mfe_1 ... done
Stopping tutor_local_caddy_1 ... done
Stopping tutor_local_mysql_1 ... done
Starting the platform in detached mode
docker-compose -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/dev/docker-compose.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/dev/docker-compose.tmp.yml --project-name tutor_dev stop
docker-compose -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.prod.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.tmp.yml --project-name tutor_local up --remove-orphans --build -d
Building mfe
Step 1/112 : FROM docker.io/node:16.14-bullseye-slim AS base
---> c49c5d9e27d3
Step 2/112 : RUN apt update && apt install -y git gcc git libgl1 libxi6 make autoconf libtool pkg-config zlib1g-dev python g++
---> Using cache
---> 2dc5e64399c6
Step 3/112 : RUN mkdir -p /openedx/app /openedx/env
---> Using cache
---> a89ff65b2185
Step 4/112 : WORKDIR /openedx/app
---> Using cache
---> 1512ddf297eb
Step 5/112 : ENV PATH ./node_modules/.bin:${PATH}
---> Using cache
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 6/112 : FROM base AS i18n
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 7/112 : COPY ./i18n /openedx/i18n
---> Using cache
---> abcc7c47188a
Step 8/112 : RUN chmod a+x /openedx/i18n/*.js
---> Using cache
---> 49143e9021aa
Step 9/112 : RUN echo "copying i18n data" && mkdir -p /openedx/i18n/account && mkdir -p /openedx/i18n/gradebook && mkdir -p /openedx/i18n/learning && mkdir -p /openedx/i18n/profile echo "done."
---> Using cache
---> a24b76f69726
Step 10/112 : FROM base AS account-src
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 11/112 : RUN git clone https://github.com/edx/frontend-app-account --branch open-release/nutmeg.1 --depth 1 .
---> Using cache
---> ddb8fe2c8875
Step 12/112 : RUN stat /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages 2> /dev/null || (echo "missing messages folder" && mkdir -p /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages)
---> Using cache
---> 95cceae3eacc
Step 13/112 : FROM base AS account-i18n
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 14/112 : COPY --from=account-src /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages
---> Using cache
---> bae7c8614235
Step 15/112 : COPY --from=i18n /openedx/i18n/account /openedx/i18n/account
---> Using cache
---> e8e7fcc92ad0
Step 16/112 : COPY --from=i18n /openedx/i18n/i18n-merge.js /openedx/i18n/i18n-merge.js
---> Using cache
---> 4a69a45caa5d
Step 17/112 : RUN /openedx/i18n/i18n-merge.js /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages /openedx/i18n/account /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages
---> Using cache
---> 6c930daa06a0
Step 18/112 : FROM base AS account-dev
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 19/112 : COPY --from=account-src /openedx/app/package.json /openedx/app/package.json
---> Using cache
---> bc11618c70fd
Step 20/112 : COPY --from=account-src /openedx/app/package-lock.json /openedx/app/package-lock.json
---> Using cache
---> d94078196660
Step 21/112 : ARG NPM_REGISTRY=https://registry.npmjs.org/
---> Using cache
---> 53a1f1048dfe
---> Using cache
---> facd51fba4b8
---> Using cache
---> e20480f11f33
Step 24/112 : RUN npm clean-install --no-audit --no-fund --registry=$NPM_REGISTRY && rm -rf ~/.npm
---> Using cache
---> 547b8a02e518
Step 25/112 : COPY --from=account-src /openedx/app /openedx/app
---> Using cache
---> b38d82411d79
Step 26/112 : COPY --from=account-i18n /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages
---> Using cache
---> 6f63727b5b11
Step 27/112 : ENV PUBLIC_PATH='/account/'
---> Using cache
---> bbce65a3b96f
Step 28/112 : EXPOSE 1997
---> Using cache
---> 1181f136073e
Step 29/112 : CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]
---> Using cache
---> 476828ce602e
Step 30/112 : FROM account-dev AS account
---> 476828ce602e
Step 31/112 : COPY ./env/production /openedx/env/production
---> Using cache
---> c7530560b477
Step 32/112 : RUN touch /openedx/env/production.override && echo "COACHING_ENABLED=''" >> /openedx/env/production.override && echo "ENABLE_DEMOGRAPHICS_COLLECTION=''" >> /openedx/env/production.override && echo "done setting production overrides"
---> Using cache
---> 3f8b0db994e6
Step 33/112 : RUN bash -c "set -a && source /openedx/env/production && source /openedx/env/production.override && npm run build"
---> Using cache
---> 8a2bd7127546
Step 34/112 : FROM base AS gradebook-src
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 35/112 : RUN git clone https://github.com/edx/frontend-app-gradebook --branch open-release/nutmeg.1 --depth 1 .
---> Using cache
---> fff395ce62f0
Step 36/112 : RUN stat /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages 2> /dev/null || (echo "missing messages folder" && mkdir -p /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages)
---> Using cache
---> 473c8973d0b3
Step 37/112 : FROM base AS gradebook-i18n
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 38/112 : COPY --from=gradebook-src /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages
---> Using cache
---> 24f4300e59ad
Step 39/112 : COPY --from=i18n /openedx/i18n/gradebook /openedx/i18n/gradebook
---> Using cache
---> b56aeafcc2a1
Step 40/112 : COPY --from=i18n /openedx/i18n/i18n-merge.js /openedx/i18n/i18n-merge.js
---> Using cache
---> 8c8aa2960994
Step 41/112 : RUN /openedx/i18n/i18n-merge.js /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages /openedx/i18n/gradebook /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages
---> Using cache
---> 40726dbde090
Step 42/112 : FROM base AS gradebook-dev
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 43/112 : COPY --from=gradebook-src /openedx/app/package.json /openedx/app/package.json
---> Using cache
---> ff9755948b05
Step 44/112 : COPY --from=gradebook-src /openedx/app/package-lock.json /openedx/app/package-lock.json
---> Using cache
---> 4aba054eda01
Step 45/112 : ARG NPM_REGISTRY=https://registry.npmjs.org/
---> Using cache
---> 429dcc308cf0
---> Using cache
---> a88bcee5f643
---> Using cache
---> 87ccd2e0b840
Step 48/112 : RUN npm clean-install --no-audit --no-fund --registry=$NPM_REGISTRY && rm -rf ~/.npm
---> Using cache
---> 7f4db0a7b0e3
Step 49/112 : COPY --from=gradebook-src /openedx/app /openedx/app
---> Using cache
---> 652271e1dbd7
Step 50/112 : COPY --from=gradebook-i18n /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages
---> Using cache
---> 7cf7a702683e
Step 51/112 : ENV PUBLIC_PATH='/gradebook/'
---> Using cache
---> 2dbb03784812
Step 52/112 : EXPOSE 1994
---> Using cache
---> 87c3eb948f82
Step 53/112 : CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]
---> Using cache
---> f5ab2f1fc9b2
Step 54/112 : FROM gradebook-dev AS gradebook
---> f5ab2f1fc9b2
Step 55/112 : COPY ./env/production /openedx/env/production
---> Using cache
---> 8279f46b3fea
Step 56/112 : RUN touch /openedx/env/production.override && echo "done setting production overrides"
---> Using cache
---> 5b17c9651eb0
Step 57/112 : RUN bash -c "set -a && source /openedx/env/production && source /openedx/env/production.override && npm run build"
---> Using cache
---> d866bc845fbe
Step 58/112 : FROM base AS learning-src
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 59/112 : RUN git clone https://github.com/edx/frontend-app-learning --branch open-release/nutmeg.1 --depth 1 .
---> Using cache
---> 153a3d439f21
Step 60/112 : RUN stat /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages 2> /dev/null || (echo "missing messages folder" && mkdir -p /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages)
---> Using cache
---> 54c5c16ab796
Step 61/112 : FROM base AS learning-i18n
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 62/112 : COPY --from=learning-src /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages
---> Using cache
---> 41de2a555f5e
Step 63/112 : COPY --from=i18n /openedx/i18n/learning /openedx/i18n/learning
---> Using cache
---> 7984eace1860
Step 64/112 : COPY --from=i18n /openedx/i18n/i18n-merge.js /openedx/i18n/i18n-merge.js
---> Using cache
---> 63686da4645a
Step 65/112 : RUN /openedx/i18n/i18n-merge.js /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages /openedx/i18n/learning /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages
---> Using cache
---> 8b341e67b378
Step 66/112 : FROM base AS learning-dev
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 67/112 : COPY --from=learning-src /openedx/app/package.json /openedx/app/package.json
---> Using cache
---> 030e21d7a8aa
Step 68/112 : COPY --from=learning-src /openedx/app/package-lock.json /openedx/app/package-lock.json
---> Using cache
---> 7dadbd7f9e02
Step 69/112 : ARG NPM_REGISTRY=https://registry.npmjs.org/
---> Using cache
---> 446df309d305
---> Using cache
---> efc9a471059c
---> Using cache
---> a58bee1ffbbe
Step 72/112 : RUN npm clean-install --no-audit --no-fund --registry=$NPM_REGISTRY && rm -rf ~/.npm
---> Using cache
---> c6bf536bd65a
Step 73/112 : COPY --from=learning-src /openedx/app /openedx/app
---> Using cache
---> 8689393205c2
Step 74/112 : COPY --from=learning-i18n /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages
---> Using cache
---> 808df91f6844
Step 75/112 : ENV PUBLIC_PATH='/learning/'
---> Using cache
---> 003b6e4300b0
Step 76/112 : EXPOSE 2000
---> Using cache
---> f128854361dd
Step 77/112 : CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]
---> Using cache
---> e96fdf07c794
Step 78/112 : FROM learning-dev AS learning
---> e96fdf07c794
Step 79/112 : COPY ./env/production /openedx/env/production
---> Using cache
---> a5df6385a062
Step 80/112 : RUN touch /openedx/env/production.override && echo "done setting production overrides"
---> Using cache
---> 64ea62b36f50
Step 81/112 : RUN bash -c "set -a && source /openedx/env/production && source /openedx/env/production.override && npm run build"
---> Using cache
---> 93c1ba0bb743
Step 82/112 : FROM base AS profile-src
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 83/112 : RUN git clone https://github.com/edx/frontend-app-profile --branch open-release/nutmeg.1 --depth 1 .
---> Using cache
---> 47c211795a19
Step 84/112 : RUN stat /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages 2> /dev/null || (echo "missing messages folder" && mkdir -p /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages)
---> Using cache
---> 2878bf061137
Step 85/112 : FROM base AS profile-i18n
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 86/112 : COPY --from=profile-src /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages
---> Using cache
---> a8e3b785c128
Step 87/112 : COPY --from=i18n /openedx/i18n/profile /openedx/i18n/profile
---> Using cache
---> b62eb01fe786
Step 88/112 : COPY --from=i18n /openedx/i18n/i18n-merge.js /openedx/i18n/i18n-merge.js
---> Using cache
---> c5c89d33fbd5
Step 89/112 : RUN /openedx/i18n/i18n-merge.js /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages /openedx/i18n/profile /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages
---> Using cache
---> 6b38f4526201
Step 90/112 : FROM base AS profile-dev
---> 56c7ba4c4416
Step 91/112 : COPY --from=profile-src /openedx/app/package.json /openedx/app/package.json
---> Using cache
---> 755cd3b6dd19
Step 92/112 : COPY --from=profile-src /openedx/app/package-lock.json /openedx/app/package-lock.json
---> Using cache
---> b70dc578b5f8
Step 93/112 : ARG NPM_REGISTRY=https://registry.npmjs.org/
---> Using cache
---> d5f8d06b577e
---> Using cache
---> be47348d3dcf
---> Using cache
---> f7c73f2169b1
Step 96/112 : RUN npm clean-install --no-audit --no-fund --registry=$NPM_REGISTRY && rm -rf ~/.npm
---> Using cache
---> e64f7e0492b8
Step 97/112 : COPY --from=profile-src /openedx/app /openedx/app
---> Using cache
---> fc94a5540ecb
Step 98/112 : COPY --from=profile-i18n /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages /openedx/app/src/i18n/messages
---> Using cache
---> fdbd86123651
Step 99/112 : ENV PUBLIC_PATH='/profile/'
---> Using cache
---> 9072d9b1e8a9
Step 100/112 : EXPOSE 1995
---> Using cache
---> 5442d6400997
Step 101/112 : CMD ["npm", "run", "start"]
---> Using cache
---> 91757f06792e
Step 102/112 : FROM profile-dev AS profile
---> 91757f06792e
Step 103/112 : COPY ./env/production /openedx/env/production
---> Using cache
---> 3348ece14b3b
Step 104/112 : RUN touch /openedx/env/production.override && echo "ENABLE_LEARNER_RECORD_MFE='true'" >> /openedx/env/production.override && echo "done setting production overrides"
---> Using cache
---> acb93bfa5ddd
Step 105/112 : RUN bash -c "set -a && source /openedx/env/production && source /openedx/env/production.override && npm run build"
---> Using cache
---> ba618ecc5d6a
Step 106/112 : FROM docker.io/caddy:2.4.6 as production
---> 1ace180df3e6
Step 107/112 : RUN mkdir -p /openedx/dist
---> Using cache
---> f78d365c332b
Step 108/112 : COPY --from=account /openedx/app/dist /openedx/dist/account
---> Using cache
---> 044da584f497
Step 109/112 : COPY --from=gradebook /openedx/app/dist /openedx/dist/gradebook
---> Using cache
---> 2a44332afafe
Step 110/112 : COPY --from=learning /openedx/app/dist /openedx/dist/learning
---> Using cache
---> 2435ad9faeea
Step 111/112 : COPY --from=profile /openedx/app/dist /openedx/dist/profile
---> Using cache
---> e0f9c35dc39b
Step 112/112 : COPY ./Caddyfile /etc/caddy/Caddyfile
---> Using cache
---> 6669ef9ebcc9
Successfully built 6669ef9ebcc9
Successfully tagged overhangio/openedx-mfe:14.0.0
Starting tutor_local_cms-permissions_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_mysql_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_mongodb-permissions_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_lms-permissions_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_caddy_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_redis-permissions_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_mysql-permissions_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_elasticsearch-permissions_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_mfe_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_elasticsearch_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_mongodb_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_redis_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_lms_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_cms_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_lms-worker_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_cms-worker_1 ... done
Database creation and migrations
Initialising all services...
Running init task: hooks/mysql/init
docker-compose -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.prod.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.tmp.yml --project-name tutor_local -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.jobs.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.jobs.tmp.yml run --rm mysql-job sh -e -c echo "Initialising MySQL..."
until mysql -u root --password="changemepassword" --host "mysql" --port 3306 -e 'exit'
mysql_connection_attempt=$(expr $mysql_connection_attempt + 1)
echo " [$mysql_connection_attempt/$mysql_connection_max_attempts] Waiting for MySQL service (this may take a while)..."
if [ $mysql_connection_attempt -eq $mysql_connection_max_attempts ]
echo "MySQL initialisation error" 1>&2
exit 1
sleep 10
echo "MySQL is up and running"
# edx-platform database
mysql -u root --password="changemepassword" --host "mysql" --port 3306 -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS openedx;"
mysql -u root --password="changemepassword" --host "mysql" --port 3306 -e "CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'openedx';"
mysql -u root --password="changemepassword" --host "mysql" --port 3306 -e "ALTER USER 'openedx'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'BgWNtbpc';"
mysql -u root --password="changemepassword" --host "mysql" --port 3306 -e "GRANT ALL ON openedx.* TO 'openedx'@'%';"
Starting tutor_local_mysql_1 ... done
Initialising MySQL...
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
MySQL is up and running
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Running init task: hooks/lms/init
docker-compose -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.prod.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.tmp.yml --project-name tutor_local -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.jobs.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.jobs.tmp.yml run --rm lms-job sh -e -c dockerize -wait tcp://mysql:3306 -timeout 20s
dockerize -wait tcp://mongodb:27017 -timeout 20s
echo "Loading settings $DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"
./manage.py lms migrate
# Create oauth2 apps for CMS SSO
# https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/blob/master/docs/guides/studio_oauth.rst
./manage.py lms manage_user cms cms@openedx --unusable-password
./manage.py lms create_dot_application \
--grant-type authorization-code \
--redirect-uris "https://studio.test.online.newliteraciesalliance.org/complete/edx-oauth2/" \
--client-id cms-sso \
--client-secret client-secret-value \
--scopes user_id \
--skip-authorization \
--update cms-sso cms
./manage.py lms create_dot_application \
--grant-type authorization-code \
--redirect-uris "http://studio.test.online.newliteraciesalliance.org:8001/complete/edx-oauth2/" \
--client-id cms-sso-dev \
--client-secret client-secret-value \
--scopes user_id \
--skip-authorization \
--update cms-sso-dev cms
# Fix incorrect uploaded file path
if [ -d /openedx/data/uploads/ ]; then
if [ -n "$(ls -A /openedx/data/uploads/)" ]; then
echo "Migrating LMS uploaded files to shared directory"
mv /openedx/data/uploads/* /openedx/media/
rm -rf /openedx/data/uploads/
# Create waffle switches to enable some features, if they have not been explicitly defined before
# Completion tracking: add green ticks to every completed unit
(./manage.py lms waffle_switch --list | grep completion.enable_completion_tracking) || ./manage.py lms waffle_switch --create completion.enable_completion_tracking on
Starting tutor_local_mongodb-permissions_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_mysql_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_mongodb_1 ... done
2022/06/28 14:57:03 Ready: tcp://mysql:3306.
2022/06/28 14:57:03 Ready: tcp://mongodb:27017.
Loading settings lms.envs.tutor.production
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./manage.py", line 102, in <module>
startup = importlib.import_module(edx_args.startup)
File "/opt/pyenv/versions/3.8.12/lib/python3.8/importlib/__init__.py", line 127, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1014, in _gcd_import
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 991, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 975, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 671, in _load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 843, in exec_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "/openedx/edx-platform/lms/startup.py", line 10, in <module>
settings.INSTALLED_APPS # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 82, in __getattr__
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 69, in _setup
self._wrapped = Settings(settings_module)
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 170, in __init__
mod = importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE)
File "/opt/pyenv/versions/3.8.12/lib/python3.8/importlib/__init__.py", line 127, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1014, in _gcd_import
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 991, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 975, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 671, in _load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 843, in exec_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "/openedx/edx-platform/lms/envs/tutor/production.py", line 3, in <module>
from lms.envs.production import *
File "/openedx/edx-platform/lms/envs/production.py", line 66, in <module>
__config__ = yaml.safe_load(f)
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 125, in safe_load
return load(stream, SafeLoader)
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 81, in load
return loader.get_single_data()
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/constructor.py", line 49, in get_single_data
node = self.get_single_node()
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/composer.py", line 36, in get_single_node
document = self.compose_document()
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/composer.py", line 55, in compose_document
node = self.compose_node(None, None)
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/composer.py", line 84, in compose_node
node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/composer.py", line 127, in compose_mapping_node
while not self.check_event(MappingEndEvent):
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/parser.py", line 98, in check_event
self.current_event = self.state()
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/parser.py", line 438, in parse_block_mapping_key
raise ParserError("while parsing a block mapping", self.marks[-1],
yaml.parser.ParserError: while parsing a block mapping
in "/openedx/config/lms.env.yml", line 1, column 1
expected <block end>, but found ','
in "/openedx/config/lms.env.yml", line 94, column 2483
Error: Command failed with status 1: docker-compose -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.prod.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.tmp.yml --project-name tutor_local -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.jobs.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.jobs.tmp.yml run --rm lms-job sh -e -c dockerize -wait tcp://mysql:3306 -timeout 20s
dockerize -wait tcp://mongodb:27017 -timeout 20s
echo "Loading settings $DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"
./manage.py lms migrate
# Create oauth2 apps for CMS SSO
# https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/blob/master/docs/guides/studio_oauth.rst
./manage.py lms manage_user cms cms@openedx --unusable-password
./manage.py lms create_dot_application \
--grant-type authorization-code \
--redirect-uris "https://studio.test.online.newliteraciesalliance.org/complete/edx-oauth2/" \
--client-id cms-sso \
--client-secret client-secret-value \
--scopes user_id \
--skip-authorization \
--update cms-sso cms
./manage.py lms create_dot_application \
--grant-type authorization-code \
--redirect-uris "http://studio.test.online.newliteraciesalliance.org:8001/complete/edx-oauth2/" \
--client-id cms-sso-dev \
--client-secret client-secret-value \
--scopes user_id \
--skip-authorization \
--update cms-sso-dev cms
# Fix incorrect uploaded file path
if [ -d /openedx/data/uploads/ ]; then
if [ -n "$(ls -A /openedx/data/uploads/)" ]; then
echo "Migrating LMS uploaded files to shared directory"
mv /openedx/data/uploads/* /openedx/media/
rm -rf /openedx/data/uploads/
# Create waffle switches to enable some features, if they have not been explicitly defined before
# Completion tracking: add green ticks to every completed unit
(./manage.py lms waffle_switch --list | grep completion.enable_completion_tracking) || ./manage.py lms waffle_switch --create completion.enable_completion_tracking on
Output from tutor local upgrade --from=maple
$ tutor local upgrade --from=maple
⚠️ This command only performs a partial upgrade of your Open edX platform. To perform a full upgrade, you should run `tutor local quickstart`.
Upgrading from Maple
Environment generated in /klib/data/nla-openedx/env
docker-compose -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.prod.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.tmp.yml --project-name tutor_local run --rm lms sh -e -c ./manage.py lms migrate user_tours
Starting tutor_local_redis-permissions_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_mongodb-permissions_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_lms-permissions_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_elasticsearch-permissions_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_mysql_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_redis_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_mongodb_1 ... done
Starting tutor_local_elasticsearch_1 ... done
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./manage.py", line 102, in <module>
startup = importlib.import_module(edx_args.startup)
File "/opt/pyenv/versions/3.8.12/lib/python3.8/importlib/__init__.py", line 127, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1014, in _gcd_import
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 991, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 975, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 671, in _load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 843, in exec_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "/openedx/edx-platform/lms/startup.py", line 10, in <module>
settings.INSTALLED_APPS # pylint: disable=pointless-statement
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 82, in __getattr__
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 69, in _setup
self._wrapped = Settings(settings_module)
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/django/conf/__init__.py", line 170, in __init__
mod = importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE)
File "/opt/pyenv/versions/3.8.12/lib/python3.8/importlib/__init__.py", line 127, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1014, in _gcd_import
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 991, in _find_and_load
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 975, in _find_and_load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 671, in _load_unlocked
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 843, in exec_module
File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
File "/openedx/edx-platform/lms/envs/tutor/production.py", line 3, in <module>
from lms.envs.production import *
File "/openedx/edx-platform/lms/envs/production.py", line 66, in <module>
__config__ = yaml.safe_load(f)
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 125, in safe_load
return load(stream, SafeLoader)
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/__init__.py", line 81, in load
return loader.get_single_data()
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/constructor.py", line 49, in get_single_data
node = self.get_single_node()
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/composer.py", line 36, in get_single_node
document = self.compose_document()
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/composer.py", line 55, in compose_document
node = self.compose_node(None, None)
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/composer.py", line 84, in compose_node
node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/composer.py", line 127, in compose_mapping_node
while not self.check_event(MappingEndEvent):
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/parser.py", line 98, in check_event
self.current_event = self.state()
File "/openedx/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yaml/parser.py", line 438, in parse_block_mapping_key
raise ParserError("while parsing a block mapping", self.marks[-1],
yaml.parser.ParserError: while parsing a block mapping
in "/openedx/config/lms.env.yml", line 1, column 1
expected <block end>, but found ','
in "/openedx/config/lms.env.yml", line 94, column 2483
Error: Command failed with status 1: docker-compose -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.prod.yml -f /klib/data/nla-openedx/env/local/docker-compose.tmp.yml --project-name tutor_local run --rm lms sh -e -c ./manage.py lms migrate user_tours