I was able to run ImportEnrollmentsIntoMysql once (the final lines of the log are attached in a file), with the following parameters: remote-task --host localhost --user hadoop --remote-name analyticstack --skip-setup --wait ImportEnrollmentsIntoMysql --local-scheduler --interval 2019-05-20-2020-04-28 --overwrite-n-days 0 --n-reduce-tasks 8 --verbose --overwrite-hive --overwrite-mysql
but whenever I try to repeat it it brokes with the previous error
I’ve checked MySQL’s reports table and it is filled
The tracking logs are in /edx/var/log/tracking/and they are owned by hadoop
I have ran the command as hadoop and setting the --user to hadoop, as root with root as --user, and as root with --ubuntu. I’ve added 3 different logs, one for each configuration.
There is also the log of CourseEnrollmentEventsTask, but the error is pretty the same
Thank you very much Anjali for your quick response, but no advance changing the user to root and launching the tasks from edx-analytics-pipeline directory